

  姓 名:  沈寅忠   性别: 男   出生日期: 1963年7月4日    技术职称:教授,博士生导师


 电子邮箱: shenyz@sjtu.edu.cn




 Seoul National University(汉城国立大学),金属材料专业,工学博士。(2003)



 Seoul National University(汉城国立大学),williamhill威廉希尔官网,博士后。(2003-2005)

 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(韩国原子能研究院),核材料研究中心,高级研究员

 (Senior Researcher)。(2005-2008)  




  1.  第四代核反应堆材料(燃料包壳及堆芯结构材料研发、应用评价。涉及核反应堆极端工况下使用的高温铁素体/马氏体钢、高温铁基氧化物弥散强化钢等)

  2.  聚变堆材料(聚变堆包层、面向等离子体材料研发、应用评价。涉及聚变堆包层极端工况下使用的高温低活化铁素体/马氏体钢、聚变堆面向等离子体及第一壁极端工况下使用的钨及其合金材料)

  3.  新型海洋核反应堆技术(小型核反应堆关键高温结构材料和核安全)

  4.  第三代核反应堆/大型先进压水堆(如AP1000)材料(一回路主管道316LN奥氏体不锈钢、燃料包壳锆合金和奥氏体不锈钢等高温结构材料等)

  5.  第二代商用压水堆材料(燃料包壳锆合金、蒸汽发生器镍基合金等)

  6.  核材料的微观结构、力学性能、腐蚀行为、辐照效应、环境相容性。

  7.  航空航天材料(铝锂合金,镍基合金)

  8.  国防**装备材料(涉密)


  1.  “十三五”装备预先研究专项技术课题“XXXXXX”(涉密),负责人。(2016-2020, 课题经费150万元)

  2.  国家自然科学基金重点项目“先进核反应堆用高温(>650°C)铁素体/马氏体钢的相关基础研究(51034011),项目主持。(2011-2015, 项目经费160万元)

  3.  国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划专项/国家磁约束核聚变能研究专项“磁约束聚变堆若干相关工程技术研究”,课题“超临界水冷包层关键技术研究”(2011GB113001),负责人。(2011-2014,项目经费3450万元,课题经费450万元)

  4.  国家科技重大专项/大型先进压水堆核电站重大专项“重大共性技术及关键设备、材料研究”课题“压水堆核电材料环境相容性研究”(2011ZX06004-009),专题 “锻造工艺及热处理方法对主管道材料腐蚀的影响研究”,负责人。(2011-2014,课题经费2880万元,专题经费70万元)

  5.  国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目“晶界工程对第四代核反应堆用先进铁素体/马氏体钢力学行为的影响”51111140389,项目中方负责人。(2011-2013, 经费3.5万元)

  6.  国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)计划专项/国家磁约束核聚变能研究专项“聚变堆面向等离子体材料的基础研究”2010GB109000,子课题“面向等离子体材料的微结构及晶界工程研究”,负责人。(2010-2013,项目经费2227万元, 子课题经费60万元)


  1.  韩国科技部项目“超临界水冷核反应堆候选材料的应用评价”,主要研究技术骨干。(2007-2010,项目经费48万美元)

  2.  韩国科技部项目“核反应堆用纳米氧化物弥散强化合金的开发”,主要研究技术骨干。(2007-2009,项目经费32万美元)

  3.  韩国科技部项目“核电结构材料9Cr和20Cr铁基氧化物弥散强化(ODS)钢的离子辐照行为的评价”,主要研究技术骨干。(2007-2008,项目经费20万美元)

  4.  韩国科技部项目“氧化物弥散强化合金的离子辐照行为的评价”,主要研究技术骨干。(2005-2006,项目经费5.8万美元)

  5.  韩国科技部中长期核研发计划项目“高温用核材料的特征及先进核材料的研究与开发”,主要研究技术骨干。(2003-2006,项目经费125万美元)

  6.  韩国科技部项目“第四代超临界水冷反应堆材料的开发和评价”,主要研究技术骨干。(2003-2005,项目经费107万美元)



  1.  Zhiqiang  Xu,Yinzhong Shen*,Zhongxia Shang, Chuqiao Zhang, Xi Huang,Precipitate  phases in ferritic/martensitic steel P92 after thermomechanical  treatment,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2018, Vol. 509, pp. 355-365.  (SCI 收录)

  2.  Zhiqiang  Xu,Yinzhong Shen*, Precipitate phase evolution in an 11Cr  ferritic/martensitic steel during tempering, Metallurgical and Materials  Transactions A, 2018, Vol.49, pp.3486-3500. (SCI收录)

  3.  Xiaoling  Zhou, Zhiqiang Xu, Yinzhong Shen*, Tiantian Shi, Xi Huang,  Identification of precipitate phases in an 11%Cr ferritic/martensitic  steel after short-term creep, ISIJ International, 2018, Vol. 58, No.8,  pp. 1467-1473. (SCI 收录)

  4.  Qingshan  Li, Yinzhong Shen*, Xi Huang, Zhiqiang Xu, Jun Zhu,Irradiation-induced  Hardening and Softening of CLAM Steel under Fe Ion Irradiation, Metals  and Materials International, 2017, Vol.23, No.6, pp.1106-1111. (SCI 收录)  

  5.  Hongli  Cheng, Wulin Song*, Yinzhong Shen*, Xi Huang, Zhiqiang Xu, Qingshan Li,  Zhongxia Shang, Zhibiao Yang, Fe13+ ion irradiation-induced M2X  precipitate in P92 steel at 700 °C up to 1.62 dpa, Journal of Nuclear  Materials, 2017, vol.498, pp.314-320. (SCI 收录)

  6.  Qingshan  Li, Yinzhong Shen*, Xi Huang, Zhiqiang Xu, Jun Zhu,Irradiation-induced  Hardening and Softening of CLAM Steel under Fe Ion Irradiation, Metals  and Materials International, 2017, Vol.23, No.6, pp.1106-1111. (SCI 收录)

  7.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Xiaoling Zhou,Tiantian Shi, Xi Huang, Zhongxia Shang, Wenwen  Liu,Bo Ji, Zhiqiang Xu, Sigma phases in an 11%Cr ferritic/martensitic  steel with the normalized and tempered condition, Materials  Characterization, 2016, Vol.122, pp.113-123. (SCI收录)

  8.  Xi  Huang, Yinzhong Shen*, Qingshan Li, Zhiqiang Xu, Jun Zhu,  Microstructural evolution of CLAM steel under 3.5 MeV Fe13+ ion  irradiation, Fusion Engineering and Design,2016, Vol.109-111,  pp.1058-1066. (SCI收录)

  9.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Zhongxia Shang, Zhiqiang Xu, Wenwen Liu, Xi Huang, Huan Liu, The  nature of nano-sized precipitates in ferritic/martensitic steel P92  produced by thermomechanical treatment, Materials Characterization,  2016, Vol.119, pp.13-23(SCI收录)

  10.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Xiaoling Zhou, Zhongxia Shang,Neodymium-rich precipitate phases  in a high-chromium ferritic/martensitic steel,Metals and Materials  International, 2016, Vol.22, No. 3, pp.459-467

  11.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Jun Zhu, Xi Huang, Ar Ion Irradiation Hardeningof High-Cr  Ferritic/Martensitic Steels at 700 ℃,Metals and Materials International,  2016, Vol. 22, No. 2,pp.181-186. (SCI 收录)

  12.  Zhongxia  Shang, Yinzhong Shen*, Bo Ji, Lanting Zhang, Effect of δ-ferrite  Evolution and High-Temperature Annealing onMechanical Properties of  11Cr3W3Co Ferritic/MartensiticSteel, Metals and Materials International,  2016,Vol. 22, No. 2,pp.171-180。(SCI 收录)

  13.  YIN  ZHONG SHEN*, XIAO LING ZHOU,, ZHONG XIA SHANG, BO JI and JIA RUI LU,  Cobalt-rich phases in 11Cr-3W-3CoVNbTaNd ferritic/martensitic steel,  Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2016, Vol.47, pp.6-14.  (SCI收录)  

  14.  许志强,沈寅忠*,崔凯,季波,郭新秋,锻造态W-1%La2O3合金的纳米颗粒相分析,稀有金属材料与工程,2016,Vol.45,No.10, pp.2573-2577.(SCI收录)

  15.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Huan Liu, Precipitate phases in normalized and tempered  ferritic/martensitic steel P92, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015,  vol.465, pp.373-382. (SCI 收录)

  16.  Xi  Huang, Yinzhong Shen*, Oxidation behavior of an 11Cr  ferritic-martensitic steel after Ar-ions irradiation in supercritical  water, Journal of Nuclear Materials,2015, vol.461, pp.1-9. (SCI收录)

  17.  Xi  Huang, Yinzhong Shen*, Jun Zhu, Influence of Ar-ions irradiation on the  oxidation behavior offerritic-martensitic steel P92 in supercritical  water, Journal of Nuclear Materials,2015, vol.457, pp.18-28. (SCI收录)

  18.  Xiaoling  Zhou, Yinzhong Shen*, Zhiqiang Xu,Precipitate phases in an 11%Cr  ferritic/martensitic steel with tempering and creep conditions,Acta  Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),2015,Vol.28, No.1, pp.48–57.(SCI  收录)

  19.  Yinzhong  Shen*, Zhiqiang Xu, Kai Cui, Jie Yu, Microstructure of a commercial  W–1% La2O3 alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2014, Vol. 455,  pp.234-241. (SCI 收录)

  20.  YIN  ZHONG SHEN*, BO JI,XIAO LING ZHOU and JUN ZHU,M5C2 Carbides in a  High-chromium Ferritic/Martensitic Steel,Metallurgical and Materials  Transactions A,2014, Vol. 54A, pp.2950-2962. (SCI 收录)

  21.  崔凯,沈寅忠*,俞杰,季波,W-1%La2O3合金的显微组织分析,稀有金属材料与工程,2014,Vol.43,No.2, pp.386-390.(SCI收录)

  22.  Kai  Cui, Yinzhong Shen*, Jie Yu, Bo Ji, Microstructural characteristics of  commercial purity W and W–1% La2O3 alloy, International. Journal of  Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2013, Vol. 41, pp. 143-151.  (SCI收录)

  23.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Ting Ting Zou, Song Zhang, Li Zhong Sheng, Identification  of oxide phases in oxide dispersion strengthened PM2000 steel, ISIJ  International, 2013, Vol. 53, No.2. pp. 304-310. (SCI 收录)

  24.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog Ryu,  Precipitates in normalizedandtempered 10%Cr ferritic/martensitic steels,  Journal of Nuclear Materials,2012, Vol. 430, pp. 264-269. (SCI收录).

  25.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog  Ryu,Identification of precipitate phases in a 11Cr ferritic/martensitic  steel using electron micro-diffraction, Journal of Nuclear Materials,  2010, Vol. 400, pp. 64-68. (SCI收录).

  26.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog  Ryu,Influence of tempering temperature upon precipitate phases in a  11%Cr ferritic/martensitic steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010,  Vol. 400, pp. 94-102. (SCI收录).  

  27.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Sung Ho Kim, Hai Dong Cho, Chang Hee Han, Woo Seog Ryu,  Precipitate phases of a ferritic/martensitic 9Cr steel for nuclearpower  reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2009, Vol. 239, pp. 648-654.  (SCI收录).

  28.  Yin  Zhong Shen*, Sung Ho Kim, Chang Hee Han, Hai Dong Cho, Woo Seog Ryu,  TEM investigations of MN nitride phases in a 9% chromium  ferritic/martensitic steel with normalization conditions for nuclear  reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, Vol. 384, pp. 48-55.  (SCI收录).

  29.  Y.Z.  Shen*, S.H. Kim, H.D. Cho, C.H. Han, W.S. Ryu, C.B. Lee, M2N nitride  phases of 9% chromium steels for nuclear applications, Journal of  Nuclear Materials, 2008, Vol. 378, pp. 153-158. (SCI收录).

  30.  Y.Z.  Shen*, S.H. Kim, C.H. Han, H.D. Cho, W.S. Ryu and C.B. Lee, Vanadium  nitride precipitate phase in a 9% chromium steel for nuclear power plant  applications, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2008, Vol. 374, pp.  403-412. (SCI收录).

  31.  Y.Z.  Shen, C.S. Bae, H.D. Cho, J. Jang, Microstructural evolution of a high  Cr Fe-based ODS alloy by different cooling rates, Nuclear Engineering  and Technology, 2008, Vol. 40, pp. 99-106. (SCI收录).

  32.  Y.Z.  Shen, K.H. Oh and D.N. Lee, Serrated flow behavior in 2090 Al-Li alloy  influenced by texture and microstructure, Materials Science and  Engineering A, 2006, Vols. 435-436, pp. 343-354. (SCI收录).  

  33.  Y.Z.  Shen, K.H. Oh and D.N. Lee, Nitrogen strengthening of interstitial free  steel by nitriding in potassium nitrate salt bath,Materials Science and  Engineering A, 2006, Vol. 434, pp. 314-318. (SCI收录).

  34.  Y.Z.  Shen, K.H. Oh and D.N. Lee, Nitriding of interstitial free steel in  potassium-nitrate salt bath, ISIJ International, 2006, Vol. 46, pp.  111-120. (SCI收录).

  35.  Y.Z.  Shen, K.H. Oh and D.N. Lee, Nitriding of steel in potassium nitrate  salt bath, Scripta Materialia, 2005, Vol. 53, pp. 1345-1349. (SCI收录).

  36.  Y.Z.  Shen, K.H. Oh and D.N. Lee, The effect of texture on the Portevin-Le  Chatelier effect in 2090 Al-Li alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2004, Vol. 51,  pp. 285-289. (SCI收录).  









 2010.08 -现在,下列国际SCI 期刊特约审稿人:

 国际核材料权威顶尖期刊《Journal of Nuclear Materials》

 国际聚变工程主流期刊《Fusion Engineering and Design》材料类重要国际期刊《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》

 材料类重要国际期刊《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》

 材料类重要国际期刊《Philosophical Magazine》

 《Materials and Design》,《Steel Research International》,

 《Applied Physics A》,《Journal of Supercritical Fluids》,

 《Journal  of Materials Science & Technology》,《International Journal of  Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials》,《Journal of Materials Engineering  and Performance》。


 2011.8. 获得上海市浦江人才计划(特殊急需人才类/D类)资助

