

姓名:史海川  职称:讲师,研究生导师






(1) 2015-09 至 2018-08, 韩国海洋大学, 机械工程, 博士

(2) 2012-09 至 2015-03, 威廉希尔足球网, 材料加工工程, 硕士

(3) 2008-08 至 2012-06, 黑龙江工程学院, 材料科学与工程, 学士


[1] 真空钎焊技术工艺及原理

[2] 数值模拟分析

[3] 增材制造技术开发及应用




[1]Haichuan Shi, Jong-Rae Cho, Joo-Whan Yoon, Ho-Jin Lee, Dong-Gyu Ahn. Design of thermal stress control layers in the selective deposition technology of hot axle forging dies. International journal of precision engineering manufacturing[J]. December 2017, Volume 18, Issue 12, pp 1805–1812.

[2]Shi Haichuan, Yu Zhishui, Cho JongRae, A study on the microstructure and properties of brazing joint for Cr18-Ni8 steel using a BNi7+9%Cu mixed filler metal[J]. Vacuum. Volume 151, May 2018, Pages 226-232.

[3]Shi Haichuan, Cho  Jong-Rae, An Dong-Gyu. Microstructure and hardness of Stellite 21 deposited on hot forging die using direct metal deposition technology[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology. 2020 :Vol.100 ;Issue: No.2; pp 86-93.

[4]Qiran Cheng, Haichuan Shi, Peilei Zhang, Zhishui Yu, Di Wu, Shanshan He, Yingtao Tian. Microstructure, oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of stellite 12 composite coating doped with submicron TiC/B4C by laser cladding[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2020:Issue Vol.395; pp:125810.

[5]Boyu Wang, Haichuan Shi, Peilei Zhang, Zhishui Yu, Hua Yan, Qiran Cheng, Nan Song. Microstructure and properties of TLPB joints of IN718 with 3D waveform structure prepared by SLM, Welding in the World, 2022.

[6]Boyu Wang, Haichuan Shi, Peilei Zhang, Zhishui Yu, Hua Yan, Qiran Cheng, Nan Song. Microstructure and properties of TLPB joints of IN718 with 3D waveform structure prepared by SLM, Welding in the World, 2022

[7] Nan Song, Haichuan Shi, Peilei Zhang, Zhishui Yu, Boyu Wang, Qiran Cheng, Zhongwen Li. Microstructure and Properties of Vacuum-Brazed Joints of 3D-Structured Ni718 High-Temperature Alloy Prepared by Selective Laser Melting[J].JMEPEG (2022) 31:7921–7934.

[8]Zhaolong Li. Haichuan Shi. Yanchun Zhao. Junjie Gu. Peilei Zhang. Zhishui Yu. Boyu Wang. Nan Song. Tianzhu Sun. Microstructure and mechanical properties of vacuum brazed joints of TC4 waveform structure fabricated by 3D printed technology[J]. Welding in the World, 2023.

[9] Guojin Li, Peilei Zhang, Haichuan Shi, Zhishui Yu. Microstructure and properties of Cr18-Ni8 steel joints brazed with BNi7+3%Cu composite solder[J]. Vacuum. Volume 148, February 2018, Pages 303-311.

[10]史海川, 于治水, 褚振涛, 卢云龙, 马凯, 张培磊. 钎焊温度对纯Fe真空钎焊接头组织及硬度的影响[J].材料导报. 2014, 28(12): 95-98, 115.

[11]史海川,于治水,张培磊, 等. 钎焊工艺对Ni/BNi7+Cu9%钎缝组织及显微硬度的影响[J].真空科学与技术学报,2015,35(3):367-371.


[1] 威廉希尔足球网研究生国家奖学金(2021年——成栖冉);

[2] 上海市大学生新材料创新创意大赛三等奖(2022年——成栖冉);

[3] 上海工程技术大”互联网+”创新创业大赛三等奖(2022年——李朝龙);

[4] 第八届全国应用型人才综合既能大赛三等奖(2022年——初洋);

[5] “中国光谷.华为杯”第十九届中国研究生数学建模竞赛(2022年——李朝龙);

[6] 上海工程技术大”互联网+”创新创业大赛三等等奖(2023年——王思尧);

[7] 第二十五届中国机器人及人工智能大赛全国二等奖(2023年——初洋);

[8] 第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛获校特等奖(2023年——初洋);

[9] 第十八届中国研究生电子设计竞赛上海三等奖(2023年——李朝龙);

[10] 威廉希尔足球网优秀毕业生(2023年——王博宇);

[11] 威廉希尔足球网优秀毕业生(2023年——宋楠);