

姓名:左舜贵  职称:副教授,研究生导师






2011.09—2016.06  上海交通大学williamhill威廉希尔官网博士

2008.09—2011.09  中南大学物理与电子学院硕士


2023.12—至今    威廉希尔足球网williamhill威廉希尔官网副教授

2018.07—2023.12  威廉希尔足球网材料工程学院讲师

2016.06—2018.07  上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院博士后






近十年共发表论文38篇,其中SCI收录19篇,包括在金属领域、智能材料与器件领域TOP期刊Scripta MaterialiaJournal of Materials Research and TechnologyMaterials & DesignSmart Materials and Structures上发表论文多篇。承担企业委托项目4项,申请发明专利9项。研究成果成功用于3C消费电子产品中的光学防抖驱动器,高压紧固件中的振动防松器件等。教学方面,获校级教学成果奖1项,指导学生获全国热处理大赛二等奖一项,上海市新材料创新创业大赛获三等奖一项,指导市级、校级大学生创新项目多项授《材料制备新技术粉末冶金材料计算与模拟工程材料材料科学与艺术》等课程。




[1] W. Li, S. Zuo*, M. Khedr, X. Li, K. Xiong, F. Xiao, Microstructural mechanism underlying the stress recovery behavior of a Fe–Mn–Si shape memory alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 30 (2024) 5394-5401.

[2] S. Wu, S. Zuo*, B. Wang, H. Kong, Y. Liu, F. Xiao, Effect of polyurethane coating on mechanical response of shape memory alloy wires, Smart Materials and Structures 32(10) (2023) 105033.

[3] S. He, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, F. Xiao, S. Zuo, Y. Zhou, X. Cai, X. Jin, Interpretable machine learning workflow for evaluation of the transformation temperatures of TiZrHfNiCoCu high entropy shape memory alloys, Materials & Design 225 (2023).

[4] Z. Li, F. Xiao, S.G. Zuo, Y. Zhou, X.R. Cai, X.J. Jin, Insights into the influence of Ni4Ti3 precipitates and martensite transformation on the glide of a[100] dislocation in austenitic NiTi alloys: an atomistic simulation study, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 27 (2023) 7548-7561.

[5] Y. Huo, Y. Liu, S. Zuo, B. Wang, Q. Li, Prediction and experimental verification of phase transformation plasticity, Materials Today Communications 36 (2023) 106769.

[6] Xuanli Wang, Shungui Zuo*, Gaishi Wang, Jun Cao, Yuqi Zhang, Mingjiang Jin. Influence of Nb content on mechanical behavior and microstructure of Ti–Nb alloys. International Journal of Materials Research, 2022, 113(3): 205-213.

[7] S. Zuo, F. Xiao, T. Fukuda. Orientation dependence of damping behavior in a Mn-Cu shape memory alloy, Scripta Materialia 170 (2019) 95-98.

[8] S. Zuo, R. Wu, G. Pang, Y. Yang, High temperature internal friction in Ni50.3Ti29.7Zr20 shape memory alloy. Intermetallics 109(2019) 174-178.

[9] Song YW, Jin M, Zuo S, Jin X. Elinvar effect in severely-deformed Ti-50.8(at%)Ni thin belt. Mater Lett 2019;252:96-9.

[10] Pang G, Jin M, Zuo S, Jin X. Martensitic transformation and superelasticity in Au7Cu5Al4 shape memory alloy microwires. Intermetallics 2019;112:106527.

[11] S. Zuo, F. Xiao, X. Jin, T. Fukuda, T. Kakeshita, High damping capacity of single crystalline iron-palladium alloy exhibiting a weak first-order martensitic transformation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 740 (2018) 1007-1011.

[12] Wang, M. F.; Jin, M. J.; Jin, X. J.; Zuo, S. G., Modeling of movement of liquid metal droplets driven by an electric field, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physicals 19 2017 (28): 18505~18513.

[13] S. Zuo, M. Jin, Y. Song, X. Jin, B19-phase transition and related tensile properties of Ti50Ni30Cu20 shape memory alloy doped with hydrogen, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27 (2016) 2517-2523.

[14] S. Zuo, M. Jin, D. Chen, X. Jin, Origin of the anelastic behavior in Ti50Ni44Fe6 alloy, Scripta Materialia 108 (2015) 113-116.

[15] M. Jin, Y. Geng, S. Zuo, X. Jin, Precipitation and its Effects on Martensitic Transformation in Fe-Ni-Co-Ti Alloys, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2, Supplement 3 (2015) S837-S840.

[16] 赵厚锐, 左舜贵*, 王盖世, 肖飞, NiTi形状记忆合金中的氢效应研究进展, 材料工程 52(5) (2024) 57-66.

[17] 毛济, 余爱武, 宋裔, 施祥玲, 夏巧伟, 左舜贵*, 王博, 肖飞, 添加Zr60NiTi合金的热处理工艺优化, 材料热处理学报 44(8) (2023) 87-94.

[18] 王子阳, 左舜贵*, 王盖世, 曹军, 肖飞, 冷却方式与时效温度对60NiTi合金硬度和组织的影响, 轴承 (5) (2022) 46-55.

[19] 王盖世, 左舜贵*, 曹军, 吴少夫, 肖飞, Ti-Ni超弹合金B2相与R相的氢脆敏感性比较研究, 金属功能材料 29(5) (2022) 10-17.


[1] 左舜贵,孙国庆,彭乐朝,肖飞;一种形状记忆合金致动器的位移控制系统及方法,CN2024102685045.

[2] 左舜贵,王静,孙国庆,李文杰,毛济; 一种可变行程的形状记忆合金致动装置,  CN2023110855838.

[3] 左舜贵;许铎;孙家麟;一种基于镀层与热扩散退火制备TiNi形状记忆合金箔材的方法ZL202110035318.3.

[4] 左舜贵,宋伟栋; 一种自监测、自修复、恒力紧固件; CN202211332031.8.

[5] 左舜贵;一种旋转折叠式眼镜, ZL201821328406.2.

[6] 金明江; 左舜贵; 金学军; 一种喉箍式的形状记忆合金坚固件ZL201710851198.8.

[7] 左舜贵;夹鼻式眼镜; 实用新型,ZL202330151527.4.




[1] 2023, 中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛——材料热处理创新创业赛,二等奖

[2] 2023, 第十届上海市大学生新材料创新创意大赛,三等奖